Unitary Elections 6th May 2021
Unitary and Parish elections – 6 May 2021
Standing in the elections on 6 May
On 6 May this year residents in West Northamptonshire will be able to elect councillors to serve on the new West Northamptonshire Council.
A total of 93 councillors will be elected to the new Council, which replaces the existing district, borough and county councils across the west Northamptonshire area on 1 April 2021.
Elections are also due to take place that day to elect representatives for up to 117 town/parish councils across West Northamptonshire.
Please note that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the way we handle your nominations to stand as candidates in the above elections will be different this year.
Candidates and agents briefing
An online briefing session was held on 3 March to give candidates and agents an overview of the nominations process, key electoral information, dates and deadlines as well as setting out important details about the Covid safety measures being planned for candidates and agents.
If you missed it, you can watch a recording of the candidates and agents briefing here
Nomination forms
To stand in the elections on 6 May you will need to complete and submit a nomination form. Nomination forms for these elections will be made available from 3 March, via the following means:
- Download a nomination form from the Electoral Commission’s website
- Email us on electoralregistration.NBC@northampton.gov.uk letting us know how many forms you need. We can send the forms to an address of your choosing.
Daventry: Daventry District Council – Elections – nominations (daventrydc.gov.uk)
Northampton: Standing as a candidate | West Northamptonshire Council Unitary Elections | Northampton Borough Council
South Northants: Becoming a Councillor | Elections in progress | South Northamptonshire Council (southnorthants.gov.uk)