Planned Local Road Closures 2023 (14.Feb.2023)
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Berrywood Road will have a full closure between the double roundabout and the new roundabout towards Duston from 13th – 17th Feb for resurfacing and also Anglian Water connection work. The diversion route is via Lodge Farm
During this closure, works at the entrance to the Vistry site on Sandy Lane will be carried out for a fibre connection requiring a lane closure. Vistry also hope to do the tree felling and hedge clearance in preparation for the new site entrance.
On 20th February for five days there will be four-way traffic lights at the double roundabout for works to the new mobile phone masts involving platform lifts and crane. During this closure the gas regulator will be installed on the northern corner of Berrywood Road and Sandy Lane.
From 20th Feb – 24th March a new gas main connection will be laid along Berrywood Road from Sandy Lane towards Duston with traffic signal controlled single lane traffic.
Later works
The works to create the new entrance to the Vistry Site on Sandy Lane will be carried out towards the end of April (start date to be confirmed).
From 3 April – 1st September a new sewer will be installed along the A4500 with rolling lane closures from the end of South View to (approx.) the Hawthorns Care Home, Upton.