Harlestone Manor Parish Council plans for the Coronation (15.Feb.2023)

To celebrate the King’s coronation later this year, we are looking to install a new sculpture for the parish. This will be the next item to be added to our sculpture trail, established to mark important events and occasions in the community. It is our intention to work with one of the wood carvers that we used previously, so that it is in keeping with the existing sculptures and blends into the natural environment. The most recent sculptures have had a wildlife theme, and in keeping with that, we have pulled together some suggestions for what the next sculpture might be:

  • Red Squirrel
  • Hare
  • Deer
  • Woodpecker
  • Other?

We are keen to hear residents’ views on what the sculpture could look like and where it might be located, so please let us know what you think! If you are feeling artistic, you could draw us a picture, or alternatively, send us your ideas on an email. The only criteria we are applying is that the sculpture must have a clear connection to the Coronation.

Please send any comments or feedback on the above information to clerk@harlestonemanorpc.org.uk.  Hard copy pictures can be posted to:  The Old Bakehouse, Harlestone Village, Northamptonshire NN7 4EP.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Councillor Jackie Kimbrey

Chairman, Harlestone Manor Parish Council