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Vice Chairman Stewart Clark

Stewart Clark

Vice Chairman

I have lived on Harlestone Manor since it was built, moving here from Durham for work in December 2015. I am 47 years old, married to Vicky Clark and have two children, I also have two dogs who keep me active and walking around this beautiful area.

I am pleased to have been voted to the position of Vice Chairman of the Council.

I have been an active member of the community since moving here and I am passionate about the area we live in, always the best for all.

I am particularly keen on our safety and security and I am your Neighbourhood Watch coordinator. I want the best for the area we live in and hope to be involved in the public and open spaces within the Parish. I am finding the role on the council challenging but hopefully with a little effort we can ensure we live in a Parish that is well managed, friendly and responsive to the community.