Community Group Logo

The community group is made up of six residents from Harlestone Manor and they work together for the benefit of both developments to aid the community spirit considered so important. They meet informally to arrange social events throughout the year, The group is self-funding and all the monies collected by way of donations and entry fees etc are reinvested back into future events or equipment, and once a year a donation is made to a local charity.

In the past we have held:

  • Successful VE day celebrations
  • Jubilee and Coronation celebrations
  • Halloween pumpkin competitions
  • Easter Egg trails
  • Easter Bonnet Competitions
  • Car Treasure Hunts
  • A Driveway sale
  • A race Night
  • A Christmas Pantomime
  • Pumpkin Competitions
  • A Party in the park with a Live band
  • Diwali
  • Visit by Father Christmas delivering presents to all the primary school children.

The community Group work closely as a sub-committee of The Harlestone Manor Parish Council (Who are all residents) and they can be contacted via their own Facebook page, “Harlestone Manor and Loxton Fields Community Group,” or by private message to any of the committee members who currently are:

  • Stacey Mallendane
  • Paul Kimbrey
  • Rachel Hayes
  • Carla Massey
  • Natalie Hickerson
  • Sarah Voss

The group are always open to discuss ideas for future events and hope to encourage new members and as many residents as possible to join in the fun and support their efforts.

In 2024 the Community Group:

  • Will be re-creating the Party in The Park with the return of the live band “Party Central” in May
  • Celebrate Diwali in the Pocket Park in November
  • Conclude with the highlight of the year, the visit to both developments of Father Christmas and his Elves in his Sleigh, delivering presents to the residents’ young children.